
Writing for Social Change: Re-Dream a Just World Workshop, at Leaven Retreat Center in Michigan, Aug. 5-9!

Dear Writers,

I will be teaching, in partnership with Demetria Martinez, this August at the Leaven Center in Michigan, as every summer for the last 6 years. Ah, heaven.

August 5-9. Re-Dream a Just World: Writing and Social Change, with Anya Achtenberg and Demetria Martinez.

For information and registration, please see:  http://www.leaven.org/upcoming.htm#redream

I am extremely pleased to be teaching writing for social change again at Leaven. I am still aiming to write a book on the work I have developed, and believe it is even more urgent than when I began these workshops about 12 years ago (though they have been in development for a much longer time).

Think about it.

Register, even.

A different kind of course,  as fertile as they come.



2 thoughts on “Writing for Social Change: Re-Dream a Just World Workshop, at Leaven Retreat Center in Michigan, Aug. 5-9!”

  1. And it was spectacular! Thanks, Anya and Demetria, for another fabulous workshop. Life-changing … as always. You are an amazing teacher and writer!! Namaste.


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